Natalie Caylyn
Born: August 14, 1999. Natalie is an Italian name meaning “Christ’s birth”. The Italian phrase for “Merry Christmas” is “buon Natale”!, is literally “good birthday”. Natalie was named after a popular girl from her Mother’s high school years. Her Mom and Dad made up the middle name Caylyn. Natalie is in 4th grade; she loves to read and does very well in school. She has been picked as student of the month many times. What Natalie likes most about school is seeing her friends. Natalie’s best friend is Mallory Schmann. Natalie is a great reader; she loves to shop at Barns and Noble. Her favorite book to read is anything about Ancient Greeks. She loves to sing Miley Cyrus’ songs. Natalie is always trying to talk Grandma into taking her to get her nails done. Her favorite games are Webkins, Pixie Hollow, Wii and playing tennis. She love’s horses and dolphins. Natalie is an ice cream eater…she loves any kind of ice cream. Catalina is her favorite vacation with Grandma Nana.
Zachary Taylor
Born: August 28, 2000. Zachary is a Hebrew name meaning “The Lord Remembers”. Zachary’s Mom named him, after the cutest little boy on her soccer team. She loved the name Zachary Taylor; which happens to be the name of the 12th President of the United States. Zach plays golf and tennis. He is in the 3rd grade. He loves school, and always does his homework. Grandma Nana gave Zach an astronomy book last summer for helping with her astronomy hike and he slept with that book for months. He also loved going with Aunt Emily and Uncle Justin to the Griffith observatory in December. He is doing a project on Jupiter for school. Perhaps a budding astronomer? Zach’s best friend at school is Riley Coleman. He loves mint and chip ice cream. Zach had to get braces last year, his front tooth was coming in sideways…his smile is a bit shiny. He loves to play with Lego’s and loves to draw. Most of all he loves to laugh.
Dylan Jacob
Born October 21, 2001. Dylan is a Welsh name of a mythical sea god. Mom and Dad’s favorite name for a boy was Dylan. Perhaps Bob Dylan was the inspiration for using that name. Jacob was another name that both parents liked. Dylan is in the 2nd grade and his best friend is Austin William. Dylan loves to play on the computer, if he is missing just find the computer and you will find Dylan. Dylan is always trying to talk Grandma Nana into going to the 99 cent store. His favorite books to read are “The Leggo books” and Dinosaurs Adventure books. Dylan loves vanilla ice cream with sprinkles on it. He loves to eat strawberries, shrimp and pizza. His favorite toys are Webkins and Wii. Last year Dylan won a skateboard on Mother’s day and he is learning to ride it. He wants to learn to play tennis with Papa Rees. His favorite vacation ever was going with Grandma Nana to Catalina. The favorite people in his life he says is his Grandmas.
Lawrence Drake
Born January 14, 2002. Drake’s real first name is Lawrence which is French and means “Crowned with Laurel”. Drake means dragon, Draco the dragon constellation between the big and little dipper in the north sky. Drake’s first name Lawrence is named after both of his Grandpa’s Lawrence. Drake’s eyes are very beautiful. Drake is in the 1st grade. He is full of energy. Drake just finished up the soccer season with the Manchester’s team, and is getting ready to play little league again. He loves basketball, baseball and bowling. If you want to play hide and seek or tag, Drake is the person to play with, he loves it. He also loves to get you to play card games, like Go Fish and Old Maid. Drake likes spaghetti, French fries with hot sauce, BBQ steak and eating at the Mongolian BBQ . His favorite ice cream is chocolate and cookies and cream. Drake loves to go to Great, Great Grandma Pauline’s house, just to eat one of her famous tuna sandwichs. I am pretty sure that Drake sings in the shower (Sponge Bob songs). His best friends are Chak Garcia and Rakon. Drake likes to hike with Grandpa Lawrence (Pa). His favorite trip was to the Grand Canyon last year. He would like to go fishing and camping. Something odd and funny about Drake, people just hand him money, even strangers and he is always finding money on the ground (Drake’s good person to have around).

Allison Nicole
Born April 25, 2002. Allison’s name means “Little Alice”, it is a German name. Allison was named after Allison Ewell, Daddy’s “primo baciare” (first kiss). Great Grandma Mary wanted Mom and Dad to give her Nicole’s name so that is how Allison got her middle name. Allison is a very petit girly girl with long strawberry blond hair. Mommy always dresses her in the cutest clothes and her hair is always done beautifully. She is very smart. Allison loves school. She was in a Peer review class last year and the teacher really loved her. She is so helpful to everyone. She is in the 1st grade. She always gets the teacher best student awards in the class. Her best friends are Kaylie and McKeena. Allison and McKenna made up their favorite game call “Bunny”. Her favorite food is macaroni and Oreo cookie and cream is her favorite ice cream. She loves to play dress up and she has a Tinkerbelle bedroom. Her favorite book to read for fun is Dr. Seuss books. Some people sleep with a blanket, but Allison sleeps with the dictionary.
Leilah Antonia
Born November 7, 2002. Leilah is a Persian name meaning dark-hair beauty; born at night. Leilah and Medzinoen was a popular story in the medieval Turkish Empire. It tells the tale of the beautiful Leilah and her lover Medzinoen. Mom and Dad loved that name and since she was born at night with lots of dark hair the name fits. On her second day on earth she was named Leilah. Her middle name Antonia is Daddy’s grandma’s name, who raise him in Brazil. Leilah has her Daddy's dark beautiful eyes. Leilah’s favorite food is rainbow sherbet, pizza and hot sauce on chicken. She is in the 1st grade at an International Language Academy school, learning everything in French. She once was put on time out and told her Mom, “I’m going to Paris and I am not going to call you”. (Grandma Nana thought that was very funny). Leilah loves to wear dresses and anything in purple or pink. She loves to play dress up when her friends come over. Her best friend is Destiny. Her favorite book is “Stuart Little” books. Her favorite songs are; “Don’t Turn Out The Lights” and “Grandma Got Ran Over By A Rain Deer”. Leilah always makes everyone laugh. She is a very smart little girl.
Matthew Scott
Born August 28, 2004. Matthew is a Hebrew name meaning “Gift of God”. Mommy was going to name him Spencer, but he did not look like the Spencer she dreamed about. Mom and Dad liked the name Matthew, so that is the name he went home from the hospital with. His middle name Scott is after his Papa Scott. He was born on his big brother Zachary's birthday. Matthew attends pre-school 3 days a week. He likes doing homework and is proud of his backpack. His favorite book is “Thomas the Train”. He loves little match book cars, he carries them around from room to room in the house and his pockets. He takes them out of the storage box and then puts them back in. Matthew sleeps with a blue soft blanket over his head, (there is a back up blanket) he won’t go to bed without it. He loves Christmas. This last Christmas as Mommy put away the decorations, Matthew took them out of the box. He cried and wanted them back out. One day after Mommy put them all away. Matthew went in the garage and pulled the rather large Christmas box back into the living room. Matthew’s best friend is Caleb Fisher. He loves the Pirate song from Pirates of the Caribbean, however at Disneyland he won’t go on that ride. Matthew knows what he wants and is determined to get it.